Access Arrangements

Information on how to access a room you have hired and how to leave it behind



Your booking is not confirmed until you have paid all necessary fees in full and received an email confirming your booking. Please refer to the booking process, for details on how to book a room.

Access Code


48 hours prior to the start of your booking, you will receive a reminder email, re-confirming your booking. This email will contain an access code for each facility you have hired. You will need to have the code(s) with you



The Centre has a sizable car park but inevitably the number of actual spaces is finite. Therefore all parking, whilst free of charge is subject to availability.

Building Access


During normal business hours, the centre is usually open to the public, giving shared access to the foyer and toilet areas. By default, all rooms, including the main hall, meeting rooms and kitchen are locked.

Room Access


To access a room you have booked, you will need to unlock the door. To do so, you will need a key which will be found inside a small safety deposit box located beside the door. To retrieve the key, you will need to input the correct access code (sent previously, as above).

Once you have unlocked the door, please immediately return the key to the safety deposit box.

Access Rights and Responsibilities


Booking a room grants you exclusive access to that room for the duration of your booking. This means that:

  • you do not have right of access before your booking is due to start

  • no-one else has the right to enter the room you have booked between the start and end of your booking

  • any unattended personal property left in the room , either during your booking or afterwards is done so entirely at the owner’s risk

  • you must return the room to its original state (or better) and have vacated it by the time your booking ends.

Upon arrival


In order to gain the most from your visit, there are a number of things we recommend you do immediately upon arrival, including:

  • familiarise yourself with the layout of the room. We expect you to return it to its default state before you leave. It’s a good idea to take a photo in its original state immediately upon arrival.

  • check that the previous hirer has left the room in an orderly state. let us know as soon as possible, if there is a problem - ideally send a photo too.

  • familiarise yourself with the layout of the centre, including location of:

    • fire alarms,

    • emergency exits,

    • assemply points, and

    • toilets.

  • open windows, adjust the temperature and lighting to suit

  • arrange the furniture to suit. If you have requested additional furniture, you can retrieve it from the store cupboard in the main hall

Prior to Departure


Before you leave:

  • please clear away all evidence of your use of each room, including waste paper/rubbish.

  • return the furniture to its default state (and any additional furniture to the store cupboard).

  • check the windows are locked shut.

  • unplug any electrical appliances

  • turn off any radiators/air conditioning

  • check for damages and report any you find. (We will treat any claim of ‘general wear and tear’ more favourably if it is promptly and proactively reported).

  • double check that there is no sign of fire

  • it’s a good idea to take a photo just as you leave the room for the final time as proof that you left it in a hirable state.

  • turn off the lights

  • retrieve the key from the safety deposit box, lock the door, and return the key to the safety deposit box.

Deposit Refund


It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.


Useful Info


emergency contact

In an emergency phone 999 for:
  • police
  • fire
  • ambulance

Nearest Public Telephone

not available

Your Location:

Thorpe Hall
Muskett Drive
NR16 1FD
location details

emergency evacuation


emergency alarm

  • in the event of fire or other emargency, smash the glass the alarm
  • alarms are locatedon the wall next to the main entrance and every emergency exit
  • once you have safely evacuated the building, call the fire brigade on 999
  • Your Location: Ashwellthorpe & Fundenhall Village Hall, Muskett Lane, Ashwellthorpe, NR16 1FD

emergency exits

  • the main hall, both meeting rooms, and the toilets areaeach have an emergency exit wired to the central alarm system.
  • push the central bar to open


  • reassemble in the car park at a safe distance from the fire and any smoke
  • the organiser of each activity should take a register to ensure everyone is accounted for
  • Do NOT re-enter the building until cleared to do so by authorised personnel
  • Do NOT leave the site until you have been accounted for

medical emergency


first aid kit

  • available from the vestibule
  • afterwards, please email and let us know what you have used


  • coming soon ...


  • Dial 999
  • Your Location: Ashwellthorpe & Fundenhall Village Hall, Muskett Lane, Ashwellthorpe, NR16 1FD


  • Norfolk & Norwich Hospital A&E
  • Colney Lane, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7UY
  • The Hospital is located off the Norwich Southern Bypass - A47 on the South West side of Norwich City Centre. Leave the A47 to join the B1108 Watton Road. Follow this road until the junction and take a right onto Colney Lane. Continue on this road and the Hospital site is located straight ahead.

fire procedures


fire extinguishers

  • in main vestibule
  • red contains water for combustible materials eg: paper, wood
  • blue contains dry powder for electrical fires eg:computers, screens, etc
  • yellow contains wet chemicals for burning liquids eg fat, oil, etc
The Hirer is responsible for taking reasonable precautions to minimise the risk of fire and injury to all occupants. These precautions include: –
  • Fire safety checks before admission of public and before leaving (see overleaf)
  • Acquainting themselves with the action to be taken in the event of fire (see attached fire instructions). This includes hall evacuation and calling the fire service
  • Identifying the location of all fire alarms, fire extinguishers and escape routes, and keeping them clear always.
  • Knowing how to operate the emergency exit doors
  • Calling the fire service if a fire breaks out, however slight, and subsequently informing a member of the hall management committee
  • Not permitting any real flames or known obvious fire hazards to be used/brought on the premises without permission from the hall management committee. Specifically, no highly inflammable, explosive, or hazardous substances, nor portable paraffin or gas heater should be allowed anywhere on the premises.
  • Not permitting any cylinders for the storage of air or other gases or liquids under pressure to be brought into the premises, nor lasers anywhere on the premises without permission from the hall management committee. • To ensure that any decorations used are of non-flammable or fireproofed material. The entire premises are a NON-SMOKING AREA. All hirers of the hall and/or meeting room must carry out the following Fire Safety checks: Before admission of public: • All exit doors, including those with push-bar mechanism tested and in good working order. • Escape routes free from obstruction and available for use. • Any fire doors closed and not wedged or propped open. • Fire extinguishers in place and unobstructed. • No combustible storage in areas open to the public. • Check there is no obvious fire hazard in, or near, the building. Before leaving: • Search for smouldering fires or cigarettes left burning • Switch off all kitchen electrical appliances at wall socket e.g. hob, microwave, tea urn, kettles. • Empty all waste bins, remove the waste from the premises and fit new waste bin liners. • Close properly both exit doors (ensure lockbolts engaged) and internal fire doors • If the hirer intends to clear up the morning following a function (only permissible by prior arrangement with the Management Committee and if hall is not being used the next morning) all bags of rubbish including those in the waste bins must be removed from the building immediately after the event. • All electrical appliances (e.g. Disco equipment, amplifiers, lighting systems) and any alcohol brought into the hall for the function must be removed from the building at the end of the function. Anything left in the hall is at hirer’s own risk. Any person discovering a fire: • WARN OTHERS – shout FIRE! If you cannot be heard, flash the lights to get attention. • SOUND THE ALARM – break the glass at nearest fire alarm (one next to each exit) • LEAVE THE BUILDING – by nearest exit in an orderly way; close doors behind you • ASSEMBLY POINT – on far side of car park on the access road. DO NOT BLOCK ANY EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS. • DO NOT TACKLE THE FIRE UNLESS YOU ARE TRAINED TO DO SO • CALL THE FIRE SERVICE IMMEDIATELY • o DIAL 999, then give the operator the number of the phone and ask for Fire. When the Fire Service answers speak distinctly “FIRE AT ASHWELLTHORPE AND FUNDENHALLL COMMUNITY CENTRE “ • GIVE THE ADDRESS • DON’T END CALL UNTIL FIRE SERVICE HAS REPEATED THE ADDRESS • All Mobile networks accept Emergency Calls on 999 or 112 • There is no public telephone on the premises or nearby • Once the hall has been evacuated (check especially the toilet areas), DO NOT ALLOW ANYONE TO RETURN TO THE BUILDING for any reason until authorised to do so by the Fire Service. •On Fire Service arrival, the person in charge of the hall/function must report to the Officer in Charge that all persons are safe or should inform him/her of the last known position of anyone missing.